Saturday, November 23, 2019

Week 3 Team B paper MGT521

Week 3 Team B paper MGT521 Week 3 Team B paper MGT521 Back Lot Pete Bayot Gustavo Mirande Jason Sanchez Carlos Taitano MGT/521 February 10, 2014 Cecilia Williams This paper is address one strategic and operational plans with our company. The plans were developed using the SWOT analysis. The strategic plan is for the company to become a premier wholesale nursery. To become the premier wholesale nursery, the company will have to be the leader in the industry. The operational plan is for the company to have a large client base. This accomplish this goal, the company will have to reach out to new potential clients as well as clients that have contracts with other nurseries. Reach out and take the contract away from the other nursery. GOAL: Strategic Plan The mission of becoming a premier wholesale nursery will require the company to work towards a common goal. The company’s goal is to be the leading wholesale nursery in the region. This goal requires everyone in the organization to understand how their department or specific duties will contribute to achieving that goal. In order for the company to provide enough products to the region, the company will have to make some improvements in all aspects of the business. By conducting an analysis of other industries within the region, the company can predict better future orders. This analysis is the responsibility of the marketing personnel. First by gathering information about the area on the Internet, and then by personally visiting the area, marketing personnel will be able to view local businesses and target areas to market and sell company products. Another area that will require improvement is the company’s logistics department. Just as the marketing department conducted their research on businesses in the region, the logistics department will also need to research the region to determine what improvements are required to be able to provide product throughout the region. The finance department is responsible for ensuring that the company has sufficient financing to achieve its goals, such as conducting the initial research, making necessary internal improvement, and managing future operating and material costs. These are just a few examples of what it will take for the company to achieve its goal of becoming a premier wholesale nursery in the region. GOAL: Operational Plan One of the company’s goals is to accomplish the operational plan to acquire a larger client base. A strategy to obtain this goal is to provide incentives to our sales associates by having work on a commission basis. This will bring more clients to our business by giving employees an incentive to go out and get more clients. Our goal is to introduce the company to numerous potential clients and promotes newer products by advertising or marketing. The plan of having three sales associates and give them assigned part of town to sell will cover more areas and generate more sales. These sales associates will be trained by the owner and will report directly to them. Once the sales associate has an established customer in the area it is stored in the client database. The database will

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